We’re Excited for Your to Join Us!
You might be interested in some further information before attending one of our concerts or events.
Our Venues This Season
Every venue used by the Knox-Galesburg Symphony this season is fully accessible.
Restrooms are located on the main floor (through the door on the south side of the lobby), on the mezzanine level, and on either side of the balcony. There is an additional ladies’ room near the upper balcony concession area.
Late Seating
Any patrons arriving after the start of the concert will be seated at the discretion of the House Manager.
Electronic Devices
Cameras, recording devices, cell phones, (smart) watches, pagers and other electronic devices are distracting for performers and audience members. Recording of any kind is strictly prohibited during the concert. Patrons are welcome to take photographs before the concert, during intermission and after the performance.
Lost Items
The Orpheum Theatre and Knox-Galesburg Symphony are not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property. To inquire about lost items, call 309-341-7268 or 309-342-2299.